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Busy Brains Activity Packs Disclaimer

The contents of Busy Brains Activity Packs and this website are intended for personal use only. You are not authorised to share, copy, photocopy, reproduce, translate, distribute, or publish, in whole or in part, any information, without the prior written consent of Busy Brains Activity Packs, this prohibits copying in both electronic form and hard copy. 


Busy Brains Activity Packs, their website and social media content, contains information based on published research studies, third party views and personal experience. The author of Busy Brains Activity Packs cannot be held responsible for the opinions of others. All sources used in the compilation of the activity packs are listed in full on the Busy Brains Activity Packs website under the Further Reading Tab. Busy Brains Activity Packs does not monitor, review or update nor have any control over, any third-party content or third-party websites. 


All information provided by Busy Brains Activity Packs is intended for general information only and does not constitute specific medical or fitness advice. Users must contact an appropriate professional for specific advice. The author bears no responsibility for any injuries, accidents or damages caused, either directly or indirectly from the activities described in the activity packs, website or on social media. Parents/Carers remain responsible for the appropriate and reasonable supervision and care of their child at all times. Busy Brains Activity Packs does not accept any liability for any action taken based on any information it provides. 

©2019 by Busy Brains Activity Packs. 

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